Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why the Nazis where more successful than the Communists

Alice Hamilton shows in the article „The Youth Are the Strength of Hitler” the situation of the youth in postwar Germany. Most of them had never been working and did not even know “the connection between work and food”. They were hopeless, having no perspective for the future. Both, the Nazis and the Communists tried to get these youth to either side by offering ways to become active. But the propaganda the Nazis used to attract people was much more effective. Not only was Hitler’s program more attractive (he declared the Germans superior to any other people and therewith created a strong national feeling whereas the Communists were in favor of internationalism in which everybody values the same), but also the way the Nazis made propaganda was much better.
Comparing “Hitlerjunge Quex” and “Kuhle Wampa” this circumstance becomes obvious. Kuhle Wampa is indeed propaganda for the Communists but the propaganda is so sub textual that many “simple” people probably didn’t even understand it. The message is conveyed in a very artistic way and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. The plot actually is very short and simple but nevertheless confusing and it is not really a pleasure to watch the movie, at least for the average man of that time. In contrast in “Hitlerjunge Quex” the propaganda is very obvious. The audience knows exactly that the Nazis are the “good” and the Communists the “bad”. The plot is very clear and it is a pleasure for everyone to watch it. These two movies show why the Nazi propaganda was much more successful: because it was simpler and more transparent and therewith more accessible to the normal man.

1 comment:

  1. i definitely agree that one of the Nazi's biggest advantages over the Communist was their sense of German pride. By promoting the German people and the 'German way of life", Hitler made everyone else inferior. The idea of promotion always works well to unify a people because by believing they are superior, they create a bond. This concept has spanned over time: whether it be in Africa between the Tootsie and the Huto or in the 1950's between African Americans and White Americans. By creating a superior group, you in essence create a "bulletproof" group for those inside and a yearning to be inside, by those left out. The Communist's idea of international equality and unison could never work as well because it is unrealistic and because people do love some sort of hierchy:they just all want to be the people on top, and never the people trying to climb the ladder.
