Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Appendix 1940-1945

I found this reading to be very interesting, because the chronology was so random. For example it says on March 29, 1940 that "Goebbels stresses the important political role of comedies and musicals" (252). Following this it says on April 27, 1940 "Heinrich Himmler orders that a concentration camp be established at Auschwitz" (251). I found this to be very odd how the listing of a need for musicals was right by the listing of an opening of a concentration camp. These two topics are complete opposites of each other, therefore with them listed on the same page it is odd because the level of importance between the two is not equal at all. I also found it to be kind of funny that Goebbels had so many comments about the propaganda films, that they almost overshadowed the war. Obviously that was his job, but he clearly took it extremely seriously to the point that it was all he was thinking about. Goebbels rally tries to tie together theatrics and the war effort as a means of success in both areas. I feel that in some areas Goebbels is in a state of dillusion. I think he has this idea that germany is going to be indistructable and with the help of all the propaganda that he is spreading people are going to side with Germany in all countries. Goebbels is constantly coming up with new ideas in hopes to spark some interest in German films. Since sometimes he even hires banned writers because he knows that they are very talented and he hopes that people will be receptive to his work. The more receptive people are, the more poeple will love Germany, and the better chance Hitler has of succeeding in ruling the world.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to hear more about what Rentschler's choice of seemingly unrelated historical events and cultural statements could mean, or what you think he might be arguing through this comparison/contrast.
