Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"... because the moment a person is conscious of propaganda, propaganda becomes ineffective. However, when propaganda as a tendency, as a characteristic, as an attitude remains in the background and becomes apparent through human beings, then propaganda becomes effective in every respect" page 259. This quote taken from Greobbels was imperative to the mindset of the Nazi party. In order to successfully saturate the mindset of the Germans, the Nazis had to keep their true intentions in the background. The most powerful effect of the propaganda was the inability to notice its existence at all. I think it was imperative that Greobbels was able to identify the fact that once a person becomes conscious that they are watching no longer works to engrain ideas in peoples minds because they are not as open. As 'devil's advocate as it may be to give credit to the Nazi's- the fact of the matter is that they did an excellent job at disguising their attitudes behind bigger ideas and bigger pictures. You saw a monster as dirty and dark and in your mind dirty and dark was associated with fear and hatred. This idea transferred to the prejudices faced by Jews because the Germans were so infiltrated with anti-Semitism in film that they were unable to disengage these feelings in their real lives.

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